About Amazonia Expeditions

Established 1981

Driving Positive Change through Ec0-Tourism

Our Greater Mission

Although we strive to offer the best experience for tourists in the Amazon, our true mission is the preservation of the region around us – the most biodiverse site yet studied by biologists. In order to protect the immense biodiversity contained within this area, our efforts are geared both towards the aid of indigenous and ecological communities. This support comes through hosting researchers who monitor key wildlife populations, investing in essential infrastructure for nearby villages, and providing sustainable, equitable, full-time employment and training for local guides.

Sustainable Employment

Sustainable Employment

Our guests make our support of the region possible. By providing a high-quality experience to our guests through guides who are native to the region, educated, professional, and friendly, we are connecting local communities to a sustainable source of income.

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Research + Conservation

Research + Conservation

The conservation region around the lodge benefits greatly from consistent monitoring and rigorous inquiry by visiting scientists to stay abreast of shifts or declines in key wildlife populations. By hosting student groups and dedicated researchers, we strive to increase visibility and support for this unique ecological site.

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Community Support

Community Support

Angels of the Amazon is the non-profit arm of Amazonia Expeditions, which focuses on critical areas such as community empowerment, education, and healthcare. Through AoA, we have constructed and supplied multiple schools and a hospital, provided scholarships for further education, and supported a women-run artisan association.

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Over 40 years of Unforgettable Adventures in the Amazon

Our History

Our journey began over 40 years ago with the arrival of biologist Dr. Paul Beaver, who ventured into the wilderness of the Tahuayo River basin in the early 1980s. What started as pioneering expeditions through the pristine wilderness evolved into an organization with an unwavering commitment to conservation, community empowerment, and cultural preservation. While Paul brought the environmental expertise, Dolly Arevalo Beaver, an Iquitos native with a profound connection to the region, played an integral role in building a bridge between the lodge and the communities around it. Together, they strive to create a balance between nature and humanity, laying the foundation for a legacy that continues to thrive today.

Your Family Away from Home – Meet the Shanshos

The Heart of Amazonia

At Amazonia Expeditions, our guides are at the heart of your Amazon Rainforest experience, offering unmatched expertise and passion. We proudly pioneered equal employment opportunities in Iquitos, ensuring women and minorities receive the same training and job prospects as men. This commitment to diversity empowers our staff, creating a supportive and inclusive work environment that reaches every member of our team – from guides to household staff. By investing in full-time positions with comprehensive benefits, including retirement pensions and health insurance, we provide stability and security for our team. This dedication to our employees fosters a supportive and thriving community within the Tahuayo River basin – and overwhelmingly leads to an unforgettable adventure for our guests.

Dolly Beaver receiving the Antonio Brack Egg Award. From left to right, Fabiola Muñoz (Peruvian Minister for the Environment), Lina Marcela Lugo Silva (Amazonia Expeditions Environmental/Sustainability Specialist), Martín Vizcarra (President of Peru), Dolores Beaver (Owner of Tahuayo Lodge) Photo Courtesy of @minam

Over 40 years of Unforgettable Adventures in the Amazon

Support Formal Operators

We take pride in being fully compliant with all Peruvian laws, regulations, and licensing requirements at federal, regional, and local levels. This includes stringent adherence to safety regulations, local community agreements, and ethical treatment of wildlife. We believe in transparency, and it’s essential for travelers to be aware that not all operators uphold these standards, often operating informally to cut costs which usually results in a less than stellar experience and can be dangerous for both guests and employees. We always prioritize the safety and well-being of our guides, providing them with full benefits and fair compensation. By choosing Amazonia Expeditions, you’re not just embarking on a remarkable journey but supporting a responsible and legal approach to tourism in the Amazon.


What clothes should I wear in the jungle?

We simply recommend rain gear, short and long-sleeved shirts and pants, a hat with a brim and a bathing suit. To be any more specific would be self-defeating because people have such great individual differences in what they feel is appropriate.  For footwear, sneakers, sandals, or water moccasins are good for resting at the lodge or for boat rides. However, for walking in the forest, you will be required to wear the boots that we provide to you. We have rubber boots available in various sizes. Bringing your own jungle footwear could introduce microscopic soil microbes that could harm our ecosystems. Most people like to have long socks to wear in our boots.

Do I need any vaccinations or malaria preventatives?

No malaria preventatives or vaccinations are recommended for the trip. Unlike other regions such as Nauta and Puerto Maldonado to the south, the blackwater ecosystems of the Tahuayo River basin do not have the mosquito species Anopheles darlingi or Aedes aegypti. Thus there is no zika, malaria or yellow fever.

More detailed information can be found Here

What documents are required?

If you are a citizen of the USA or Canada all you need is a passport. You do not need a visa. If you are a citizen of another country, you must check on-line with the Peru consulate. You do not need a vaccination card (unless you are also traveling to Puerto Maldonado in Peru). Please note that passports must be valid for 6 months after your visit.

Can my children come?

We have lots of children visit, from ages 6-17. At no extra cost, you can have your itinerary customized to include activities your children will enjoy. Families are assigned private guides who have experience working with children. Family cabins include two-story cabins, each floor with a private bath, or large single room cabins for very young children, in our main lodge, and two-room cabins at our research center. A list of references from families that have recently brought children the same age as your children can be emailed to you upon request.  Children receive a 25% discount on the cost of their trip.

What is the food like?

We serve buffet style, with a variety of western style and regional foods at every meal.  Servings include some vegetarian dishes. Our culinary staff can also prepare special dishes–let us know at least a month in advance for special dietary needs. Please remember that we are in a remote location and can only procure foods that are locally grown or produced. Many food items that people are normally used to, and can be food most anywhere else, are not available in Iquitos city.

Do you have laundry service?

Yes, we have a nominal charge, $12 USD, for a bag of clothes to be laundered. Clothes are laundered in a traditional jungle fashion, beaten on logs, and then hung out to dry by the sun (may take a day to dry, or longer depending on the weather).

Can I request a salt free diet?

It is critically important to ingest a sufficient quantity of salt in a rainforest environment. Most people from a northern climate sweat profusely, as the body attempts to cool itself in the hot, humid environment. The level of sodium lost during sweating must be replenished or severe health problems can occur. For this reason, all of the foods on our buffet table are served with an adequate level of salt.

Do you charge a supplement to single travelers?

We do not charge anything extra for single travelers (does not apply to extensions to the Andes). We consider ourselves a tour operator, not a hotel. Lodging is incidental to the main objective of your trip, an experience in the rainforest.

What are the guidelines for giving tips?

Tipping is optional. Our travelers enjoy their stay with no pressure or expectations about tipping. Our staff provides service for a salary. If you feel that the quality of services rendered was outstanding and you are highly motivated to tip, the amount is solely at your discretion. If you wish to give something to all of the behind the scenes people responsible for maintenance, cleaning, and cooking, a tip can be given the care of the lodge supervisor.

What gifts can I bring for the indigenous people?

Gift giving must be done very carefully, to ensure that the relationship between visitors and locals continues to be one of mutual affection and does not turn into a problematic situation where locals become dependent or expectant on gifts from tourists. Additionally, we must ensure that goods are distributed equally amongst the community to avoid some becoming resentful because some of their neighbors receive special attention/gifts. The relationship of our tour company and the natives are managed by Dolly Arevalo, herself a native of the region.

Please read some more at www.angelsoftheamazon.org


We have a few ways to make a suggested contribution that does not interfere with cultural norms.

  • Give a tax-deductible donation to AOA to buy some books the teachers want. We can have the books ready in Iquitos for you to bring to the school and give to the teacher.  Suggested donation USD $30-100
  • Host a nutritional breakfast at a school.  Donation to AOA is USD $250
  • Pay two weeks salary of a nurse at the clinic USD $400
  • You can also donate through on our website using the “Donate Now” button at angelsoftheamazon.org
What if I have to cancel?

Cancellation Policy for Amazon land trip purchases:
Cancellations made less than 45 days before trip departure are nonrefundable.
Cancellations made more than 45 days before trip departure are 75% refundable.
Please ask for cancellation policy for all other trips e.g. Inca Trail, Africa, Nepal, Galapagos, etc.

Should I purchase travel insurance?

We strongly recommend the purchase of travel insurance. We have seen too many times people that have to cancel at virtually the last minute because of health reasons or the illness of a family member. Problems with airlines are also another common issue. Losses due to flight cancellation, delay or lost luggage are possible when traveling anywhere in the world. In addition (very rarely) trips can also be canceled due to problems beyond the control of the tour operator (labor strike, natural disaster, etc.) and are thus non-refundable. Please contact us via our email at [email protected] if you wish information about travel insurance.

What is a typical day like in the jungle?

There is no typical day. You will appreciate this before traveling if you complete all of your required reading. Every day is different, every week is different. The wonder of the Amazon is the incredible biodiversity. As a result, common wildlife encounters are rare, while rare wildlife encounters are common. The Amazon is a dynamic, ever-changing environment. There are hundreds of interesting things that you could take place during your trip. This is why many people do return trips; we even have several guests who have done more than 10 trips in the past three decades. Every trip to the Amazon is a completely different and often unpredictable experience. See more here: https://perujungle.com/biodiversity-in-the-amazon/

How long should I stay?

We are in a region of mega-biodiversity so there is a lot to see and do. We recommend a minimum stay of 8 days. But we do have people staying as short as 3 days and some as long as 3 months. For people staying 5 days or less we only use the main lodge. There is a great variety of activities from the main lodge, hiking in varzea and terra firme ecosystems, canoe in flood forest, canopy zip line, swim in a lake, visit native communities, etc. But the wildlife is different and the forest more pristine at our remote Research Center Lodge. You must stay a minimum of 6 days total to include a visit to the Research Center Lodge.

Where should I put my valuables for safe keeping?

We have never had a theft at the lodge. But if you are worried you can give items to the lodge supervisor to store securely.

Will my camera by affected by humidity?

Years ago cameras would sometimes be affected by the humidity. People used to bring silica gel to put inside zip lock bags with their cameras. But the new cameras that operate with digital chips don’t seem much affected by humidity. Remember when you go by boat or canoe to keep your camera in a water-tight floatable when not taking photos. We are not responsible for damage done to cameras, cell phones or other personal items by the jungle environment.

Do you have the latest in technology?

Iquitos city is the world’s largest city not connected to any other city by road. It is surrounded by huge rivers and impenetrable Amazon flood forest. If not for air flights or an incredibly long boat ride up the Amazon river, Iquitos would be cut off from the outside world. Because of this isolation, one should not expect that we have access to all goods and services that other parts of the world have access to. Surprisingly we do have access to some technology and have installed solar panels, outlets to charge batteries, LED lighting, satellite connected Wi-Fi and even modern flush toilets. Other technologies, such as electric boat motors or quiet 4 stroke motors do not yet exist for sale in Iquitos or are just not reliable enough for practical use.

How many bags can I bring?

We have no limit on the number of bags you can bring with you to the lodge. However, if you have any extra luggage it can be secured free of charge at our office in Iquitos city.

Do you have electricity?

Electricity is provided to our lodge via solar power with battery storage along with a backup generator used during peak hours. Charging plugs are US style. The voltage is 220v not 120v (as in the United States) However, nearly all modern electronics (cameras, cell phones, laptops) can charge on 220v with no issue.

What is the required reading and where do I find it? Do I really need to read it?

The required reading list is located on the bottom section of your itinerary.


We do know this is not a standard trip for most people. That is why we send a required reading list (not suggested or recommended reading) About 5% of people do ignore this required reading, and it is easy to tell as they arrive unprepared and confused, asking questions they should already know the answers to, and getting significantly less enjoyment from their trip as people who have conscientiously prepared for their adventure.

Just in case you missed it. Here it is again:

Required Reading

Important: The following is required reading to prepare you for your trip

1. Read your itinerary and suggested preparation list that follows your itinerary.

2.  Read over our website, http://www.perujungle.com  especially the history, mission, and Tahuayo Lodge webpages and the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Amazon Preparation which are found at https://perujungle.com/faqs/

3. “Like” Amazonia’s Facebook to see daily photos and news from the Amazon:
Use this web address to find us on Facebook at facebook.com/amazonia.expeditions

4. Diary of an Amazon Jungle Guide; Amazing Encounters with Tropical Nature and Culture: revised and expanded edition by Paul Beaver, Ph.D. – Gives insight into local culture, ecological diversity and the nature of wildlife encounters in the Amazon. Rated 5 stars on Amazon.com

5. CODE OF CONDUCT: Guests are expected to abide by a code of conduct that shows respect to indigenous people, the environment, wildlife, staff, and fellow guests. Please note the five bullet points below.

  • The staff of Amazonia Expeditions treats all guests with respect and kindness and management expects that guests will also treat all staff, native people and fellow guests with appropriate respect and will not tolerate abusive behavior on the part of its guests.
  • Although raising one’s voice, or yelling, may be considered the norm in some cultures, it can be perceived to be very rude by local standards. Raising one’s voice in anger may result in your guide or other staff members feeling uncomfortable in your presence and may affect the overall quality of your trip. In Peru using vulgar, abusive language is a criminal misdemeanor.
  • It is part of our ethical mission to not handle or disturb wildlife in their natural setting. If you are looking for a selfie holding wildlife, then this is not the trip for you!
  • Inappropriate behavior will result in the guest being directed to leave without refund or if deemed excessive, with a criminal complaint.

Traveler understands that wilderness travel has inherent risks and agrees to hold Amazonia Expeditions and all its employees harmless and free of liability. Traveler further agrees that any disputes arising from the trip must be resolved through binding arbitration handled by the Better Business Bureau of West Florida.

Can I handle/touch any animals?

It is part of our ethical mission to not handle or disturb wildlife in their natural setting. If you are looking for a selfie holding wildlife, then this is not the trip for you! See more here: https://perujungle.com/selfie-safaris/

What Our Guests Are Saying


“Our time in the jungle was an absolute highlight on our trip to Peru! Truly amazing! …Again, we had the most wonderful time. Almost more than words can say. The jungle and the Tahuayo Lodge hold very special places in our hearts and CAN NOT WAIT to return. Thank you again for offering such an amazing trip.”



I saw tons of wildlife and it was fantastic being able to customize my experience with my private guide. A big thanks for all the work you do to benefit the community and the rainforest and for being an ethical tour company that doesn’t allow tourists to fondle captive wildlife.


Ashlyn H


“All the staff were so friendly and helpful. We appreciated that the staff is well paid with full social benefits (health, retirement, paid vacation)”

Brett C


Our trip was INCREDIBLE. The lodge was great, the food was amazing, and the staff were all so friendly. We loved our stays at the B&B, the main lodge, and the ARC.


Amazonia Expeditions, Inc., Travel Agency, Tampa, FL